Online version: OmicLearn

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--- # OmicLearn Transparent exploration of machine learning for biomarker discovery from proteomics and omics data. This is a maintained fork from [OmicEra]( ## Quickstart A three-minute quickstart video to showcase OmicLearn can be found [here]( ## PyCon Talk - ["How to Build an Open-Source Machine Learning Platform in Biology?"]( | [Furkan M. Torun]( | [PyCon Italia, Florence, Italy, 2023]( [![PyConITaly](]( "How to Build an Open-Source Machine Learning Platform in Biology? - Furkan M. Torun") ## Manuscript - 📰 Open-access article: **Transparent Exploration of Machine Learning for Biomarker Discovery from Proteomics and Omics Data** - OmicLearn was featured as a supplementary cover of the [Special Issue on Software Tools and Resources of the Journal of Proteome Research](! OmicLearn on the Cover of Journal of Proteome Research
## Citation: ``` Torun, F. M., Virreira Winter, S., Doll, S., Riese, F. M., Vorobyev, A., Mueller-Reif, J. B., Geyer, P. E., & Strauss, M. T. (2022). Transparent Exploration of Machine Learning for Biomarker Discovery from Proteomics and Omics Data. Journal of Proteome Research. ``` ## Online Access 🟢 Streamlit share This is an online version hosted by streamlit using free cloud resources, which might have limited performance. Use the local installation to run OmicLearn on your own hardware. ## Local Installation ### One-click Installation You can use the one-click installer to install OmicLearn as an application locally. Click on one of the links below to download the latest release for: - [**Windows**]( - [**macOS**]( - [**Linux**]( For detailed installation instructions of the one-click installers refer to the [documentation]( ### Python Installation - It is strongly recommended to install OmicLearn in its own environment using [Anaconda]( or [Miniconda]( 1. Redirect to the folder of choice and clone the repository: ```bash git clone ``` 2. Create a new environment for OmicLearn: ```bash conda create --name OmicLearn python=3.10 -y ``` 3. Activate the environment: ```bash conda activate OmicLearn ``` 4. Change to the OmicLearn directory and install OmicLearn: ```bash cd OmicLearn pip install . ``` - After a successful installation, type the following command to run OmicLearn: ```bash python -m omiclearn ``` - After starting the Streamlit server, the OmicLearn page should be automatically opened in your browser (Default link: [`http://localhost:8501`](http://localhost:8501) ## Getting Started with OmicLearn The following image displays the main steps of OmicLearn: ![OmicLearn Workflow](images/workflow.png) Detailed instructions on how to get started with OmicLearn can be found **[here.](** ## Contributing All contributions are welcome. 👍 📰 To get started, please check out our **[`CONTRIBUTING`](** guidelines. When contributing to **OmicLearn**, please **[open a new issue](** to report the bug or discuss the changes you plan before sending a PR (pull request). We appreciate community contributions to the repository.